Who | What | Where is ? Are you a Moto? 2006 | was invited to speak and present their program for better health and social responsibility in youth, at the state conferences for Montana Principals and Montana PTA. Heave
H.O.E. has to be the the best way to show new players the easiest ways
to throw the flying disc.
![]() Tom Monroe World Champion PDGA Hall of Fame Inductee 1993 Heave
H.O.E. offers clear instructions for those ready to get serious about
flying disc play, and those just wanting to toss accurately to friends.
![]() Arthur Coddington, Eleven Time! World Freestyle Champion Heave
H.O.E. is a useful tool in teaching Frisbee tips to anyone wanting to improve their throw.
![]() Joy Endicott, Coach & TD, University Arkansas Ultimate Team Heave H.O.E. is an outstanding
resource that teaches the basics of flying discs and is appropriate for all
ages and abilities.
Buy Frisbee Discs ![](), Online Retailer of Disc Golf & Frisbee Discs A
how-to program for achieving consistent disc-throwing accuracy.
American Library Association, Booklist Yesterday a group of teenagers removed my hurricane shutters. During a well deserved break, they received their first Heave HOE flying disc Lesson... and enjoyed it!
After Hurricane Katrina Earl's Homemade Frisbee Golf Targets
I thought Heave H.O.E. was excellent. It goes through step-by-step how to use a Frisbee disc with skill and ease. I highly recommend it for all ages! ![]() Christina Chapan, BS Elementary Ed., MA Curriculum & Development |
![]() Providing Heave H.O.E. ![]() How To Throw FRISBEE® Discs Especially for players of today who desire tips for instant improvement! Other education & services related to Heave H.O.E. : Lesson Plans | PE Clinic | Assembly Why not easily set the stage for youth to excel in flying disc sports? Teach them professional-level throwing skills and see how much more inexpensive fun they have with disc sports over a lifetime. Promote better health in youth just by showing them a DVD on flying disc throwing instructions! Anyone interested in improving their (or training other's) forehand, backhand or skipping will want to check out these instructions. Great techniques to quickly improve throws for Ultimate, Disc Golf, Dogs, Freestyle, and FRISBEE golf, Folf. ... It will rev up your game to a point that will make others wonder, "How are you able to throw so well?"... : - ) BTW,
the free FRISBEE disc that you
get, will fly exactly as these key instructions indicate. Simply step
outside, and start practicing. You will soon be grinning from ear to
ear because to your delight, you will
quickly be using instructions that few people actually know. Your
throwing partners (and others) will comment on how you are making such
excellent throws, and they will ask you to share your secret with them.
When shown to new players (of even the youngest ages!), these
instructions have proven to advance everyone's Frisbee disc throwing
skills after just one casual viewing. For those who go on to
study it, their throwing skills will advance forward multiple years, in
25 minutes!
"The Heave H.O.E. method is an excellent example of teaching beginners how to throw a disc. I have been disc golfing for some time and for months I was unable to properly teach my daughter (age 12) how to throw a disc. Like Motodom says, "in 25 min of watching this DVD," you can learn to throw a disc. My daughter, on her 3rd throw after watching Heave H.O.E., threw an Innova disc 175 feet! She thinks this DVD is great. Thanks Motodom for a wonderful teaching tool." Errol C. Grapevine,TX ... A "must see" for every PE and Health class. Now-a-days, the Heave H.O.E. DVD is being used by hundreds of PE teachers across the country, creating a "Frisbee conciousness" in thousands of youngsters instantly. Which translates into HUGE FUN for the enitre lifetime of those of kids! If you are a teacher, start your students off right. THE MORE THEY LEARN, THE MORE FUN THEY HAVE! 9/5/06
registered trademark of Wham-O, Inc. has no affiliations with Wham-O, Inc. See Links
OTHER AREAS OF NATIONAL INTEREST WTH FRISBEE Obesity Intervention Getting Away From TV & Video Games Safe Activities For Latchkey Kids Promoting Peace Worldwide With Frisbee Youth Galaxies | Universe | Solar System (All From NASA) ![]() Good walk defined: PHD's Study on disc golf yields intriguing findings As a nation, we simply do not walk very much. We tend to watch TV, drive our cars and sit at our computers. When we choose to walk rather than sit, we burn more calories and our hearts have to work a bit harder. If we keep walking, our bodies adapt to this kind of good stress and we become physically fitter. Ideally, a person should walk around 10,000 steps a day to maintain a healthy level of fitness. With support from the PDGA, the first nation-wide research study to examine disc golf and physical activity is complete. More |
Creators of Heave H.O.E. DVD are PDGA tour officials and PDGA tournament directors for MT State Championships Mystery Ranch Open ![]() $25.75+$8.95 s/h ------------------ BUY NOW
------------------ --Or Order Online-- ------------------ You're into..? Throw
& Catch
DISCS for starting Youth Birthday Party Ideas Family Fun Night Idea Child Fitness for Better Health Obesity Prevention Lifetime Activities for Youth Fighting Obesity in Kids Frisbee Golf Best Frisbee® Discs To Use With Heave HOE Disc For Accuracy/Distance (A.D.)Tournament ![]() Disc Golf Tips for Novices World Record Ace in MT ![]() ![]() ![]() ----Order By Mail--- 430 N 3rd Bozeman MT 59715 ---Order By Phone-- Call 1-406-600-9839 --Order By Schools-- Purchase Order ************** INTERNATIONAL Includes shipping |
Heave H.O.E. movement keeps floating on the cutting edge, connecting
high profile stuff like: obesity, youth-at-risk, after school program
needs, latch-key kids, alternative to computer games and TV, etc,.
![]() David M. Young, University Professor, An advocate for Healthier Communities We are focusing on practical
living (physical activity and nutrition). A Heave H.O.E. package was
given to each attendee in an academy in which 30 P.E. and Health
teachers participated to learn how to incorporate DISC golf into their
curriculum. The academy was funded by a grant from the Kentucky Dept.
of Education.
![]() Dr. Heather R. Adams-Blair Exercise & Sports Science Eastern Kentucky University These
tips are applicable to people of any age and skill. I used the Heave
H.O.E. snap tip to improve the forehand of 5 players almost instantly.
![]() Joy Endicott, Coach & TD, University Arkansas Ultimate Team Heave
H.O.E. is not only well done, it also sends a good positive image and
message of disc sports in general.
![]() Cary Silberman 1st place Advanced Am 2003 Memorial MT State Disc Golf Champ 2004 |
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