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Interesting Facts about Galaxies,
Stars, Distances and Sizes, Solar Systems,
Milky Way, Space, and The Visible Universe

( Starting with #1 (Below), is information stemming from all the current research done by space scientists connected to various agencies such as NASA and Hubble Telescope.)

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If you love learning about galaxies and solar systems (below), then you should become a Frisbee Disc enthusiast who finds great fun in making the flight of a flying disc go straighter and farther than ever before! Use the Heave HOE instructional DVD to excell in fun with your Frisbee disc! Plus, you can explain amazing details about galaxies to friends using your Frisbee disc as a model galaxy.

The similarities of the shape of a flying disc to that of a spiral galaxy are uncanny. Undoubtedly, if there is a creator of our universe, then the Creator is a "flying disc jockey" of the largest scale.

Learn how to throw flying discs straight and far, through the throwing instructions DVD
" Heave H.O.E "
(Heaven On Earth)
Made with Montana PBS.

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Start throwing like the Creator of a universe, who has perfected the art of heaving flying discs straight and far!

Great for Camps, Schools, Home!

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1. (GALAXY SIZE) The average Galaxy has 100-200 billion Stars (most similar to our sun) encircling the center. Note, that a very new study, has been proving that something called supermassive black holes exist in the center of nearly all galaxies. Including in our own.

Coolest new virtual HIGH DEFINITION tour of visible Universe!

Very Large Telescope project (VLT)

2. (GALAXY SPEED) When growing up as a child, all of mankind has been wanting to know hard, factual, details about space which have only recently been calculated, and proven true. Details like, "What is the speed of the arm of a galaxy that is traveling around its center?" I have always wanted to know numbers like this because, since we are within the arm of such a galaxy, such numbers would mean this is the speed at which our own bodies are actually flying through real space. That speed, is an amazing number. As you will see below, the arm of a galaxy such as ours, must turn fairly quickly to go full circle. The speed is 140 miles a second . (see these links here and below, for documentation .)

Very Large Telescope project (VLT) European Southern Observatory

In the time it takes you to finish this sentence, you will have been carried along by the sun and the earth, moved through actual raw space of 750 miles ! In the time it takes you to ponder that, you will have moved another 700 miles or so through real space. How nice to travel so fast through raw space every second of our life, without colliding into anything with our physical bodies ( We do run into space rocks along the way, but they almost always get burned up by the atmosphere of the earth, smashed like a bug running into the windshield of a fast moving car!)

Back on earth, if somehow you could stop, say, a rock resting nearby you on the ground, and keep it from moving along with you and the planet through space, you would then be able to watch it stay put, as you keep moving in the arm of the galaxy through space. That rock, while remaining suspended in space, would be 140 miles away after one second. We do not have jets that travel that fast away from anything. (I have not calculated this number.. but one second of a jet at its fastest is probably traveling.. well let me look this up.

(To do this, first I would go to this link for further documentation, and find out the speed a jet rocket plane travels in one minute or hour, using The Physics Factbook and then do the math from their info.) After looking, in fact, the fastest jet planes only travel in speeds of one mile per second.. not 150 miles per second !

Okay.. so now we know the speed of the arm of the galaxy... 140 miles per second, and remember, that is about 140 times faster than the jets we think of today! In fact, if you think about how fast a jet travels across the sky, after a minute or two it is out of sight, right? Well, if it was traveling 140 times faster or 140 miles a second, then it would go across the sky and be out of sight in less than one second!

NASA Hubble Telescope

Very Large Telescope project (VLT European Southern Observatory)

Now we have one more speed to add to this.. and that is the speed of our whole galaxy through space. The galaxy is not just sitting still as it spins. It too is moving someplace (like a FRISBEE Disc) while it is spinning. Therefore, at times, the arm of a galaxy, is actually traveling in the same direction that the galaxy is traveling, and thereby adds to our speed through space. Ready for this?.. The speed of the Milky Way galaxy, is 190 miles per second ! (About the same speed as the spin of the arms!) So for certain times during each complete swing of our arm of stars around the center of our galaxy, we are traveling in the same direction that our the galaxy is headed, and in those periods of time our combined speed is moving us along through real, tangible space at 330 miles per second! Still talking in miles per second, the space you were sitting in one second ago, is now 330 miles away from you.

H ave you ever thought of what it would be like to be in a vehicle that is traveling at 330 miles in one second? What would it feel like to do it?.. Well the point is, you are doing it . Right now . Your body is literally 10 thousand miles of real space away from where it was a minute ago ! What got us going this fast? The energy of the "Big Bang," sent everything moving from one center point, outwards in all directions, this fast at the beginning of this visible Universe. And nothing is slowing it down. In fact all galaxies, including ours, is going outward at a speed which is getting a little faster every year! Perhaps in a billion more years, our galaxy will be traveling 1,000 miles per second? I have not researched all the information yet with the actual references, but the farthest objects from us, that have been increasing in speed for 12 billion years, are now at the edge of the visible universe and have been estimated to be traveling at a speed that is about a third of the speed of light! And still due to be increasing for the next billions of years to come.

By the way, another thing in our universe that travels in miles per second , is Light. Light travels 186,000 miles per second! If you multiply that number by every second in a year, then you have the distance (in miles) that light always travels over the time of one year. And that number is often what we use to describe both the size of galaxies, and also the vast distances of empty space between galaxies , we call it a "light year" of space: The distance that light will travel through space over the span of one year, when it is moving at 186,000 miles per second.. It is not uncommon to speak in terms of nearby galaxies as being millions of these light years away from us. (By the way, there are about 31 million seconds in one year.. in case your were wondering!)

Very Large Telescope project (VLT)

3. (TIME) The average galaxy (qbove) takes 250 million of our earth-years to make just one complete rotation of itself. Our Sun has circled the Milky Way Galaxy about 16 times since it was created within and will circle about 16 more times before our Sun has extinguished itself.
4. (VIEW) By the way, while you are seeing a smattering of stars in this picture. Do not confuse them as being "near" the galaxy in the picture. In space, the closest galaxy is 2 million LIGHT YEARS away. Therefore, most of the smattering of stars you see here around this galaxy, are actually stars in our own galaxy getting in the way of the picture! (By the way, the nearest star in our galaxy is only 4 LIGHT YEARS away.) As we look through the arm of our galaxy to see our surroundings, the stars in our galaxy act like raindrops on a car window, that get in the way of us seeing clearly the galaxies in the distance around us. If we could somehow "wipe the windshield clean" of all the nearby stars in our galaxy, and just look through raw space at nearby galaxies (empty except for some very sparse ancient star clusters kicked out of some galaxies -alas all of them would be over 2 million (and some even billions) of light years of space away- and they would look like this (below). Coincidentally, this is also what we would look like to them! But instead, we sit inside an arm of stars which are always going to be in front of our view of other galaxies far far beyond the stars of our own galaxy.
Very Large Telescope project (VLT)European Southern Observatory
Very Large Telescope project (VLT) European Southern Observatory

5. (SYSTEMS) It is being considered that maybe a third of all stars, in every galaxy, has planets encircling them. Planets have actually been positively identified and confirmed to be circling around some other stars in our galaxy. By the way, this accomplishment is equivalent to finding an insect flying around a flood light in London, England while looking from New York, USA! More are being found every year.

Very Large Telescope project (VLT) European Southern Observatory
Very Large Telescope project (VLT) European Southern Observatory
6. (UNIVERSE SIZE) The number of Galaxies traveling throughout the known Universe can be summarized as such: There are 60 Galaxies in existence for every person on earth right now. So in other words, if galaxies could be "owned" (like houses) each of us could have 60 Galaxies given to us like someone giving every person on our planet 60 Frisbees.. and remember, each of those Galaxies would have 100-200 billion STARS circling within.. not to mention the number of even more PLANETS connected to each Star.
Very Large Telescope project (VLT) European Southern Observatory

7. (UNIVERSE SIZE) When the Hubble telescope was tuned into a small patch of space that was so far away (and black), it was thought to be totally empty- void of anything because of the dark black. However, when the potential light was allowed to collect on a photo for ten days, it revealed a patch that actually contained an enormous number of Galaxies . This leads scientist to believe the Universe is quite riddled with Galaxies everywhere. No area is so void. (By the way, the size of the visible Universe is now generally calculated to be 20 billion LIGHT YEARS across. We sit near the center of it. The farthest observable object is generally calculated to be 12 billion LIGHT YEARS away from us.)

Very Large Telescope project (VLT) European Southern Observatory

8. (AGE) The Universe is now about 14 billion years old. Our Sun was created within the Universe (inside our Milky Way Galaxy) about 4 billion years ago.. or at a time when the Universe was two thirds of the current age. Our Sun is due to last another 4 billion years..
while the universe is due to last for a trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion (you get the idea here?) MORE YEARS after our Sun disintegrates! All the while producing billions of more Suns throughout billions of more Galaxies inside itself. So you see, the existing Universe, at 14 Billion years old, is only at a tiny, tiny fraction of the age that it will eventually become.

9. (BIG NUMBERS) Humans do not have a good grasp of numbers like a million -let alone a billion , or a trillion . When contemplating a thousand compared to a million, or when comparing a million to a billion, or even a billion to a trillion, keep the following question and its answer, in mind :
If on the line below, point A marks (zero) and point B marks 1 billion: with this in mind, ask someone to mark a point somewhere on this line to estimate where they think the number 1 million would reside.

(zero) 0 = A...............................................................................................B = (1 billion)
( place a mark on the line above where you think one million mark would be ? )

You will find that most people make the mark for 1 million somewhere near the middle of the line. But in fact 1 million is merely a small fraction of 1 billion . To be exact, a million is 1/1000th of a billion . This means that the mark on the line above for 1 million is about as close to point A as you could get your pencil to mark! (One million would not even exist within the first dot on the line above.) Try this sometime with a friend. The same is true for making a line with a trillion, and putting on the mark for 1 billion.. again it would be 1/1000th. Same for one thousand compared to one million.

10. (IMAGINE YOURSELF AS BIG AS THIS UNIVERSAL PERSPECTIVE) Here is a neat way to look at the stars above. If you were so large a Being that the Sun and the Earth (including all of the actual space of distance between the two) could fit in the palm of your hand.. and you then decided to start walking, with such oversized Being strides (you would be walking 2000 times faster than the speed of light!), towards the next Star nearest to our Sun -you would need to walk for 19 straight hours without stopping through nearly empty space, before you would reach your destination to the next nearest Star. Most of the Stars you see in the night sky from earth, you would reach in 20-40 years of such walking.. not to mention making it out of our own Galaxy!.. to another nearby Galaxy. (For example, at that rate, would take you about 1,200 years of walking, through empty space without stopping, just to reach the first galaxy nearest to us! [empty except for some very sparse ancient star clusters kicked out of some galaxies])

11. (OR IMAGINE THIS, YOU PLAY WITH THE MILKY WAY AS IF IT IS A FLYING DISC TOY!) If you could enlarge yourself enough to hold our whole Milky Way galaxy (all 200 billion stars) in your hand like a frisbee. Indeed it would be shaped just like a frisbee disc, however, it would also be much thinner. To flip the example around for you, I could also say it this way: If you could somehow shrink the entire universe around you, while you stay the same size and the Milky Way galaxy shrinks in front of you down to the size of a frisbee.. and in the process of shrinking it down, you also kept all the relative distances the same for all the stars within the galaxy, then the "miniature galaxy" would be shaped like a frisbee, but would end up being thinner than a piece of paper!

NASAMore Interesting is, if you were able to hold the Milky Way galaxy in your hand, the nearest galaxy to you would be a walk of about 3 months away, and it would fit in your hand the same as the Milky Way would. And remember, there are about 250 billion more galaxies, similar to them. In that relative relationship of size, if you were able to hold the galaxy in your hand and start walking from one end of the Universe to the other end, it would take you about 1.5 years non-stop. ! You would have walked past nearly 200 billion gallaxies to get to the edge. In this calculation, you would be taking steps that span 300,000 light years at a time! You would be taking a step in one second, that takes light ( traveling at 186,000 miles per second) 300,000 years to travel!

12.(OUR NIGHT SKY)When you look up at the night sky on any evening, you see stars for sure, and almost every point of light that you see, is one of the 100 billion stars floating with us within the Milky Way Galaxy. What we see, however, does not really show you our galaxy as it really is from our standpoint. This is because each arm of a galaxy (including ours) is made up of gas and dust, and often there are huge clouds of this gas and dust . So huge, that they act as objects that block our view of the real galaxy. See (left) such clouds in a galaxy. They act as they do on earth, to block out the sunlight of our Sun. Only in this case, galactic clouds block our nightly view of our entire Galaxy!

However, the photo (below), has fixed the problem. Indeed
like a see-through-lens, it is a real photo of our Milky Way Galaxy from
our position inside it. Our Galaxy! In fact at night, if all the clouds
of gas and dust were removed from the space within the galaxy,
this (below) is what we would see in our night sky! This picture was taken
from our position in the galaxy, with an infra-red camera, which can see
the heat and replicate the light through the clouds of dust and gas, and
reveal a clear picture of where we are in the galaxy. This is exactly what
our galaxy looks like from where we stand in it. Imagine, what all of mankind
would have thought over the years, if this (below) is what we saw
in the night sky. Imagine seeing the Moon floating amongst that background
in the night sky.

Below is an accurate view of what our Universe looks like from OUTSIDE the visible UNIVERSE!
The tendrils of lights are actually clusters of hundreds of billions of complete GALAXIES !

Here you see clusters of individual GALAXIES joined in a way that looks like "threads" of material.

In terms of numbers of stars in the entire Universe (above), it is nearly 30 billion trillion stars here.
Stars which are each residing in one of 250 billion galaxies.
Galaxies which each reside in one of 25 billion clusters of galaxies to make this view above.

Above, is also the look of the full 14 billion LIGHT YEARS of space that is our Universe.
For more fantastic perspectives, go to "An Atlas of the Universe"
The photo also attempts to show you the location of our galaxy,
by pointing to a specific cluster of galaxies in this Atlas of the Universe.
We are in a solar system, that is in the Milky Way Galaxy,
which is located in that Virgo Supercluster of galaxies indicated above.

Below, is a diagram of how the clusters of individual galaxies look as they spread out from our location only 1/2 of the way to the edge of the Universe. Showing you how dense the clusters of galaxies are arranged as you move out from our location to the edge of the Universe.
(again, see more at the web site for An
Atlas of The Universe)

Want to see great views of galaxies in action where just one revolution would normally = 250 million years?
Then grab your Frisbee disc and start Heaving H.O.E.
(Heaven On Earth) with us, and others!

Ralph Stever, LAC
Lincoln County
Prevention Specialist
 Our school PE teacher incorporated Motodoms lesson plans into her classes and we installed the Troy Timber Beast Disc Golf Park located in a 21 acre wooded county park across the street from the school. We had our first Family tournament in May and a Pro/Am Disc Golf tournament on June. Frisbee’s are flying all over the place in Troy. All of our community came together to finance and build our Disc Golf park, and Craig and Doug [Motodom] enthusiasm for both Frisbee and life helped add to our younger students becoming more involved with the sport.


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2006 | Motodom.com was invited to speak and present their program for better health and social responsibility in youth, at the state conferences for Montana Principals and Montana PTA.

Heave H.O.E. has to be the the best way to show new players the easiest ways to throw the flying disc.

Tom Monroe
Tom Monroe
World Champion
PDGA Hall of Fame Inductee 1993

Heave H.O.E. offers clear instructions for those ready to get serious about flying disc play, and those just wanting to toss accurately to friends.

Arthur Coddington
Arthur Coddington,
Eleven Time! World Freestyle Champion

Heave H.O.E. is a useful tool in teaching anyone how to improve their throw.

Joy Endicott
Joy Endicott,
Coach & TD,
University Arkansas
Ultimate Team

A timely how-to program for achieving consistent disc-throwing accuracy.

American Library Assoc., Booklist
American Library Association, Booklist

Yesterday a group of teenagers removed my hurricane shutters. During a well deserved break, they received their first Heave HOE flying disc Lesson... and enjoyed it!

Earl Carswell Frisbee Golf Set-up

Earl Carswell
After Hurricane Katrina
  Earls Homemade Frisbee Golf Targets

I have been disc golfing for some time, and for months I was unable to properly teach my daughter (age 12) how to throw a disc. Like Motodom.com says, "in 25 min of watching this DVD," you can learn to throw a disc. My daughter, on her 3rd throw after watching Heave H.O.E., threw a 150 gram Innova disc 175 feet!

Errol C.
Errol C. ,Grapevine TX
For beginners, for adults teaching children, and for people with Frisbee disc experience. -extremely helpful-

School Library Journal
School Library Journal

Several common throwing errors are diagnosed, so if you are having difficulty with that tough forehand toss, give Heave H.O.E. a shot!
Internet Disc Shoppe
The Internet Disc Shoppe

Our program teaches students about nutrition and physical activity. We gave flying discs to 10,000 children in 12 schools, and a Heave H.O.E. lesson plan package to all the P.E. teachers. All the teachers felt that Heave H.O.E. was really helpful in teaching the kids the proper throwing method.

Chefs For Kids
Chefs For Kids
University Las Vegas Nevada
Cooperative Extension Service

I played Heave H.O.E. to a class, and they liked it a lot. Each kid seemed to have a favorite skill they were going to try.

Arthur Coddington
Arthur Coddington,
Eleven Time! World Freestyle Champion

I was very impressed with Heave H.O.E., and as an instructor myself, I found it very informative. A must see for beginners, a great tool for intermediates.

Michelle Baker
Michelle Baker
1st place 2002 Masters Cup (Master)

Teaching new players the Heave H.O.E. pullback tip was unbelievably helpful and easy. I saw immediate improvement. Thanks for making this DVD.

Joy Endicott
Joy Endicott,
Coach & TD,
University Arkansas
Ultimate Team

Throwing plastic is fun, if you know how. After watching  Heave H.O.E., you and they, will know how to throw and have fun.

Tom Monroe
Tom Monroe
World Champion
PDGA Hall of Fame Inductee 1993
I thought Heave H.O.E. was  excellent. It goes through step-by-step how to use a Frisbee disc with skill and ease. I highly recommend it
for all ages!

Christina Chapan
Christina Chapan,
BS Elementary Ed.,
MA Curriculum & Development

The Heave H.O.E. movement keeps floating on the cutting edge, connecting high profile stuff like: obesity, youth-at-risk, after school program needs, latch-key kids, alternative to computer games and TV, etc,.

David Young
David M. Young,
University Professor,
An advocate for Healthier Communities

We are focusing on practical living (physical activity and nutrition). A Heave H.O.E. package was given to each attendee in an academy in which 30 P.E. and Health teachers participated to learn how to incorporate DISC golf into their curriculum. The academy was funded by a grant from the Kentucky Dept. of Education.

Dr. Heather Adams-Blair
Dr. Heather R. Adams-Blair
Exercise & Sports Science
Eastern Kentucky University

These tips are applicable to people of any age and skill. I used the Heave H.O.E. snap tip to improve the forehand of 5 players almost instantly.

Joy Endicott
Joy Endicott,
Coach & TD,
University Arkansas
Ultimate Team

Heave H.O.E. is not only well done, it also sends a good positive image and message of disc sports in general.

Cary Silberman
Cary Silberman
1st place Advanced Am
2003 Memorial
MT State Disc Golf Champ 2004

Great for Camps!
Heave H.O.E. Instructional
  Now on DVD! Just ask for it!

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