The Go For It Attitude
Thank you very much for agreeing to link AceHunt on your web site. We
don't do links on our site or I would gladly do so, however when we get
the disciowa web site set up, we can link you there, if you would like.

   That 700 and some foot ace , wow, pretty impressive. We have to take
advantage of the opportunities that we are presented with and everything
in life is about perspective and determination.

That is what I wish to
share with people.
 It has to do with much more than just golf, but with

golf, we can learn a lot about life. Often I have heard people say these
next couple of holes are birdie holes, I simply state, how about
thinking these next holes are aceable!? If you don't Go For It and
program your mind to GET IT! you will probably never experience all of
what life has to offer. Thanks again for the opportunity to have a link
on your web site, we will have to talk more.

Happy AceHunting, Lance

Hi Lance,
Indeed, I used to be into throwing only aces.. and often times it would be spectacular. (As in close!) But alas, the inevitable "blow by" was always so painful for me, that I began to reign in my throws. Basically, I ended my goals for aces, and remember almost having to surgically remove such thrill-seeking from living in my soul.
The last one that happened (obviously now only accidentally!), was this last Fall. It got me thinking again though, at least on that one hole. And now here's you telling me to go for it more.
Don't worry about the reciprocating link.. we just like your message. And we would be honored to be on anyone's page, let alone on your Iowa Disc Golf page. Even more, on the other hand,  please put in a good word for Heave H.O.E. whenever you run into one who is teaching (or learning!) disc sports.
And I promise you, I'll make some more ace-runs this next year, 2006. :-)
---- -and will credit you when I Get It! 